HomeDigital MinistryManagement (ChMS)New Online Discipleship Tool, Disciple Labs, Launches

New Online Discipleship Tool, Disciple Labs, Launches


Disciple Labs is a new cloud-based software tool to help pastors and church leaders measure, track, and influence the spiritual health of their ministries. The core of Disciple Labs is its proprietary spiritual health survey that is designed to help pastors and church leaders evaluate all areas of healthy discipleship in their church that go beyond attendance, baptisms, and giving. This software is also the first of its kind to track spiritual health over time. The platform measures ministry-level and individual health tracking so pastors can see what needs to be improved.

We exist to help churches make disciples, plain and simple,” says Kevin Fontenot, marketing director of TrainedUp and DiscipleLabs. “With our simple, easy to use software, you can measure spiritual health, identify trends, and recognize areas that need improvement. There's no more guesswork. You get a full picture of how your church is doing at making disciples and can implement changes necessary to make a bigger impact. We exist to help churches make disciples, plain and simple.”

The survey is organized into eight categories: Bible Reading/Application, Character, Evangelism, Fellowship, Giving, Prayer, Serving, and Worship. Each survey contains 40 questions that are designed to be completed easily and quickly, making it convenient for church members to participate.

Admin Dashboard Survey

Spiritual Data for Health

Disciple Labs can also automatically send out the spiritual health survey on a recurring basis and that data can be automatically compiled to provide information and results in real time. Churches can send the survey out every quarter, giving pastors data points to see if health is trending up or down over any period of time. Churches can also customize the timing of sending surveys to cater to their individual needs.

I did hundreds of product demos with churches and heard over and over how they needed a better way to measure how they were making disciples,” says Fontenot. “I decided that I wanted to help them solve that problem.”

With Disciple Labs, pastors, and ministry leaders can view the individual health profiles of those they disciple. This enables them to create personalized spiritual growth plans based on real data and trends that can be seen over time.

Admin Dashboard PeopleInside Disciple Labs

Inside the Disciple Labs online dashboard, pastors, and church leaders can import their members and separate them into ministry groups if they desire. The data is automatically compiled and allows the overall church health, ministry area health, and the health of an individual person to be seen. The data collected and compiled by the survey is always visible and available to help pastors and ministry leaders develop action plans to impact the spiritual health of those they oversee.

Pastors can then create action plans to improve health and track if those plans actually make a difference in the lives of their members. It also empowers ministry leaders within the church to see their specific ministry’s health. Church members can also see and track their individual health.

This is helpful to you as a leader, but also to those you are pastoring,” explains Fontenot. “In both instances, by knowing where a person stands, it becomes much easier to develop a plan. By collecting this data, you’re no longer flying blind when it comes to making disciples.”

Pricing and Customer Service

Disciple Labs is designed to be affordable for churches. Pricing starts at $29 per month for a church of 250 members and increases based on the church size. Discounts are offered for annual plans.

New clients receive training videos to get up and running quickly and Disciple Labs specialists are available for phone or video calls to help pastors answer questions. Email and chat support are also offered during business hours with expedited response times (usually within minutes).

This is the first step in a larger vision for us,” Fontenot continues. “As we begin to recognize macro trends, we’ll be able to offer more resources and solutions to pastors including personalized discipleship plans.”

Resources to Learn More

Lauren Hunter
Lauren Hunterhttps://laurenhunter.net
Lauren Hunter is a writer who loves the big picture of God’s journey we are all on together. In 2007, she founded ChurchTechToday, a website for pastors and church leaders to harness technology to improve ministry. Married to her high school sweetheart, Lauren lives in Northern California with her husband and their four children. Her latest book is Leaving Christian Science: 10 Stories of New Faith in Jesus Christ. She can be found online at https://laurenhunter.net.


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