HomeResourcesArtificial Intelligence3 AI Prompts Church Leaders and Pastors Can Use With ChatGPT or...

3 AI Prompts Church Leaders and Pastors Can Use With ChatGPT or JasperAI To Produce Ministry-Related Content


Artificial Intelligence (AI) in churches has been gaining traction in recent years, with many pastors and church leaders turning to AI-driven tools to help them in their work. In this blog post, we'll explore three examples AI prompts that church leaders and pastors can use to produce copy from ChatGPT that can be used in their ministry.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an AI-driven natural language processing tool that allows users to generate text by providing a few examples or “prompts.” It was developed by OpenAI, a research lab focused on developing advanced artificial intelligence technologies. Church leaders and pastors can use this tool to create content for sermons, newsletters, and other materials related to their ministry.

What is Jasper?

Jasper AI is another artificial intelligence-powered copywriting assistant that can help church leaders create persuasive, engaging content quickly and easily. With Jasper, church leaders can curate content much faster than a human copywriter and have access to over 50 AI copywriting workflows. Additionally, Jasper offers templates, recipes, and commands to help users create content for blog articles, social media posts, marketing copy, articles, video scripts, and more. With the help of Jasper AI, church leaders can save time and energy while still creating high-quality content.

Pros and Cons of Using AI for Copywriting for Pastors

Before we get to the details of example prompts you might try, let’s talk about the pros and cons of using this new technology in ministry workflows for content creation. Using AI-driven tools such as ChatGPT has both advantages and disadvantages when producing content for church leaders and pastors.


  1. AI-driven tools can help users save time by quickly generating copy that they can edit or refine according to their needs.
  1. It can provide valuable insights into topics, illustrations, background, history, etc to help with sermon writing. One strength that can be leveraged is that AI can be used to help with optimized language for sermons for maximum impact.
  1. Church leaders and pastors can generate high-quality content in genres they might not feel comfortable with immediately. In addition, it can be a great support tool to help staff members become proficient in different types of writing.


  1. Generated copy may not reflect the user’s intended message or tone, so substantial editing may be required before it is ready for publishing.
  1. AI-based tools require a significant training investment to understand how to generate valuable content that isn’t glossary or generic, which may not be feasible for some organizations or individuals.
  1. There is a risk of misuse or abuse of these tools if they are not implemented responsibly or ethically by church leaders and pastors.

3 Specific Example AI Prompts Church Leaders and Pastors Can Use

The following section shares specific word-for-word AI prompts that you can use to create different forms of writing. Remember that with language models, minor tweaks in prompt inputs can change the output tangibly, so keep redirecting the AI engine after each response to evolve the content to where you want to go.

Each of these prompts has the potential to help pastors create clear and impactful materials for whatever project they are working on. IMHO, using these prompts with ChatGPT vs. Jasper will show the difference in output quality. Jasper usually wins in our internal head-to-head battles. They provide an excellent way for church leaders to quickly and easily access information from various sources that are used as a base of examples/templates/research and then adapt that information into something useful.

  1. I want you to act as a pastor and bible scholar. I will provide some topics or questions related to Christianity, Jesus, and faith, and it will be your job to explore these concepts in depth. This could involve researching various theological concepts and proposing Bible-based insights with practical applications for the student. My first request is, “I need help developing a Biblical framework for navigating gossip and conflict amongst friends.”
  1. I want you to act as a Bible study curriculum content creator. You will need to create engaging and informative content for learning materials, such as a 6-week study guide for a small group that meets weekly. Each week’s lesson should include reference Bible verses, explanations needed to understand the context of Biblical times, thoughtful, open-ended discussion questions, and closing prayer.  My first request: Write an outline for each lesson.
  1. I want you to be a generous leader invested in your team member’s growth. Therefore, you will need to create messaging that is specific and encouraging. The church’s values include honoring God, leading by example, thinking of others first, and having fun. My first request is: Write an email thanking a volunteer who leads the parking volunteer team on Sundays that provides the first interactions with new visitors to the church on Sundays. The volunteer, John, shows up 15 minutes early each Sunday, encourages team members, and leads by example in hospitality. Make sure to ask for their suggestions on improving their experience as a volunteer.

One real strength is that the generated copy can provide valuable insights into topics that the user may have yet to brainstorm or would have never thought of. In addition, these prompts can be used as starting points for generating copy from ChatGPT that can then be edited and refined by the user. 

ChatGPT is not the only option

ChatGPT is now popular because it’s been in the headlines across many industries. BUT, it is not the only option out there for AI copywriting assistance. Other solutions available on the market can help with content creation. Jasper is a leading AI copywriting tool right now, and it's set up well to assist with content creation, and its intuitive interface makes it easy to use. Moreover, it offers a range of features, such as template “recipes” to help create various content types. Right now, you can claim a trial account with 10,000 words credit to do some real-world tests of content generation without having to pay. You can find details about the special 10,000-word credit offer here.

Final Thoughts

AI-driven tools such as ChatGPT will become increasingly popular among church leaders and pastors looking for ways to streamline their workflows and quickly and efficiently produce high-quality content. 

We’ll continue to share additional resources and developments in this space since AI isn’t going away. Within a year or two, AI language models will become normalized and seen in so many tools that ministry workers use daily and weekly.

Like most other technologies, it takes a good amount of investment to reap the benefits. Not unlike “borrowing” content materials like sermon outlines and illustrations from other preachers, there is a fine line to be aware of that forces questions of appropriate disclosure, dependence, and more. 

Kenny Jahng
Kenny Jahnghttps://www.kennyjahng.com
Kenny Jahng is Editor-In-Chief at ChurchTechToday.com. He's also the founder of AiForChurchLeaders.com. Kenny is a Certified StoryBrand Copywriter Guide and founder of Big Click Syndicate, a strategic marketing advisory firm helping Christian leaders build marketing engines that work. You can connect with Kenny on LinkedIn, TikTok, or Instagram.


  1. This blog post provides a comprehensive overview of the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in assisting church leaders and pastors with content creation, particularly in the context of sermon preparation and ministry-related materials. The breakdown of pros and cons offers valuable insights into the practical implications of utilizing AI-driven tools like ChatGPT and Jasper in ministry workflows.

    I appreciate the specific examples of AI prompts provided, tailored to different aspects of pastoral responsibilities, from crafting biblical frameworks to developing study guides and expressing appreciation to volunteers. These examples demonstrate the versatility of AI-generated content in supporting various aspects of church leadership and ministry.

    Furthermore, the acknowledgment of alternative AI copywriting tools like Jasper and the opportunity for readers to explore their functionalities through a trial account adds depth to the discussion, highlighting the evolving landscape of AI technology in the church context.

    Overall, this post serves as a thought-provoking resource for church leaders seeking to leverage AI to enhance their productivity and effectiveness in ministry. Thank you for sharing these valuable insights and resources.

    Best regards,

  2. Good answer Kenny. I remember my pastor-father offloading the writing of church annoucements for the church bulletin onto
    his summer intern. And, of course, he used Matthew Henry commentaries religously (if you’ll pardon the expression) throughout his preaching career. It is quite a learning curve to create questions for ai based from a Christian viewpoint. Chatgpt consistently reverts to a leftist view that I don’t always want or appreciate.


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