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State of the Church Bulletin

Receiving a church bulletin as you walk into a worship service has been the norm for decades. Certainly, church leaders have put the bulletin through several facelifts over the years. However, perhaps the most significant shift in recent years has been the move to a church app version of the bulletin.

State of the Bible Software Market

Keeping pace with frequent changes in church technology, Bible software companies have consolidated. While the demand for Bible software continues to grow, companies providing robust full-featured Bible study software now total five. This new list includes Logos by Faithlife, Accordance, Olive Tree, Laridian, and E-Sword.

3 Steps to Serving a Bilingual Audience

In a time of social distancing, many people feel isolated, and crave interaction. Many churches strive to maintain togetherness despite being apart. The need for unity within a community goes far beyond any public health concern. It is in our nature to crave relationships, to desire acceptance, and to yearn to be a part of something greater than ourselves. In areas with an ethnically diverse population, this can be a greater challenge to achieve. Beyond our duty for evangelism and service, the purpose of communal worship is just that, to worship as a community, the whole community. 

Digital Discipleship With Your Church App

With the recent events requiring us to worship from home in many places around the world, church apps are proving themselves highly valuable. Whether you have a church app, or you're looking to get one, how do you encourage digital discipleship through the platform?

Subsplash Acquires StreamSpot

As church technology companies continue to consolidate, some providers are rising to the top as leaders in this industry. On March 24, 2020, Subsplash, the Seattle-based software as a service (SaaS) announced the acquisition of Cincinnati-based StreamSpot. StreamSpot is the award-winning content delivery platform providing live streaming services for faith-based organizations and businesses. In October of 2019, Subsplash announced the acquisition of Custom Church Apps, another church app provider that serves churches and ministries.

7 Best Bible Memorization Apps

The Bible says, "Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:11) As believers, we should value scripture enough to commit it to memory. With smartphones in hand, we have many tools at our fingertips to help us.  There are many Bible memorization apps available to help you fulfill Psalm 119:11 in your personal relationship with God.

3 Examples of Ministries Using the Bible in Their Church App

We live in a world where traditional churches have less impact on the community, yet people need spiritual guidance more than ever. Part of the problem is the world is full of technology that distracts people from more important matters. While technology may be part of the problem, it can also be part of the solution. This is where providing meaningful Bible studies for your congregation using a church app is pivotal in today’s technology age.

Pushpay Announces Product Launch, Enables Churches to Nurture Their Community

Pushpay, online giving provider for churches and ministries, announced a sweeping update to its product this week at Summit, their annual conference. Pushpay welcomed more than 1,100 churches and more than 20 thought leaders to the stage to provide tactical ways church leadership teams can solve their toughest ministry problems in areas including technology, communication, engagement and more.