HomeSundaysAudiovisualFine-Tune Your Church Tech Goals for the New Year

Fine-Tune Your Church Tech Goals for the New Year


The idea of goal setting has become almost synonymous with the dawning of a new year.

While it's fresh on everyone's mind, it seems like a good time to consider your church tech goals.

Merriam Webster defines the word goal in this way

: something that you are trying to do or achieve

: an area or object into which a ball or puck must be hit, kicked, etc., to score points in various games (such as soccer and hockey)

: the act of hitting, kicking, etc., a ball or puck into a goal or the score that results from doing this

It is interesting that the top definitions come down to two things… action by an individual and team sports.

While we would agree that church tech goals largely come down to trying to do or achieve something. I'd like to consider how they can be more like a team sport.

There are some foundational things that make a team effective in putting points on the board and getting a win.

Regardless of the sport, on a winning team everyone…

  • Has a role to play
  • Knows what's expected of them
  • Follows a game plan
  • Celebrates the victories

In this new year, what if we used those 4 things to fine-tune our church tech ministries.

1) Everyone has a role to play

Whether spoken or not, volunteers want to know that their service is important. Their is nothing worse than showing up to serve and realizing you are not really needed.

Help your team by clearly identifying the tech roles and who is fulfilling them each week. Making new volunteers comfortable by giving them time to ‘shadow' an experienced team member and learn what the role entails.

2) Everyone knows what's expected of them

As crazy as it sounds. People crave boundaries. They want to know exactly what their job on the team looks like, what you expect of them, and what success looks like.

Take time and develop job descriptions for each of your tech roles. Outline the tasks required, commitment timelines, guidelines for serving and job related conduct expectations. Clearly articulate the expectations to every volunteer so they know your heart and how you measure success.

3) Everyone follows a game plan

A winning team understands that what led to this weeks victory doesn't guarantee a win next week. Every game is a different and the strategy needed to win changes with time.

As ministry plans and strategies change, include your team in the discussion. If it affects how they serve, cast vision about it. Including what the plan is, how their role is important and what you hope to accomplish together.

4) Everyone celebrates the victories

A winning team stops long enough to celebrate before looking ahead to the next challenge.

Until Jesus returns, there will always be another service to plan and event to work on. Help your team stop long enough to recognize and celebrate what God has done through them. Whether it is a 5 minute post event huddle, or a longer time of celebration, give your team time to reflect.

As we move into this new year, fine-tune how your church tech can function more as a team to reach your church goals. It will solidify the importance of serving and encourage them to strive for excellence going forward.


Ryan Holck
Ryan Holck
Ryan is the founder of RAD Ideas and Graphics.Church. He works with churches and denominations to grow their ministry through graphic design and marketing strategy. Follow Ryan at


  1. Goal setting is the preamble to achieving success in life. Without setting goals there is no testimony in the church. This will lead to (how do we do it yesterday) which may not work today. So in the church there must be record taken.


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