
text messaging

7 Ways To Use Text Messaging For Discipleship

RESOURCE DOWNLOAD: Text Message Template Library (22 pages) In an era where technology intersects with every aspect of life, churches have a profound opportunity to...

2024 Guide To Improving Church Communications With Text Messaging

In today's fast-paced digital world, effective church communications play a vital role in keeping congregations engaged, informed, and connected. While traditional forms of communication...

The 5 Best Text Messaging Strategies to Boost Engagement at Your Church

Churches don’t see engagement with their weekly services and ministries like they did before, and it’s made us all wonder, what’s the missing piece? Is it personal, direct communication, or human-to-human contact? You need to communicate in the most comfortable way for people today: text messaging.

7 Easy Youth Ministry Text Messaging Tips for Building Stronger Connections

"Go where students are" is one of the key phrases student ministers hear when they begin doing youth ministry. The idea is, if you want to reach students for Christ, you need to go where they are. If you want to connect with kids today, find a way to communicate via smartphone. Here are some tips.

5 Innovative Ways Your Church Can Use Text Messaging To Connect and Disciple

Over the last year, churches have found new ways to communicate with their members. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, texting became an essential aspect of church communications plans. Once considered impersonal, churches text messaging their attendees is now widely used and is an effective and easy way to foster relationships.

9 Tips to Keep Your Church Connected with Text Messaging

Pandemic or not, it’s hard to deny the effectiveness of text communication. With 99% of text messages being opened (and 90% within the first three minutes!), it’s easy to see why texting is a valuable tool to spread event information, alerts, updates, and reminders.

10 Advantages of Text Messaging for Churches

Efficient and timely communication remains a top goal for churches, pastors, and church communicators. With the overabundance and variation of social media apps being used by people today, along with the number of emails being sent and received, the advantages of text messaging for churches is obvious - everyone texts because it is direct, simple, and at everyone's fingertips.

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