HomeDigital Ministry6 Web Pages to Refresh Today

6 Web Pages to Refresh Today


Refresh your web pages this Christmas season and increase your chances of attracting newcomers.

Since Christmas is a key time for church visitors, it’s a good idea to refresh your church website—not a massive overhaul, just a light dusting. 

Here’s a checklist you can tackle in just 30 minutes to encourage more people to visit your church.

6 Web Pages to Refresh Today

Refresh your web pages this Christmas season and increase your chances of attracting newcomers.
A web page development plan drawn on two pieces of white paper


This is the single most important page on your website because it’s the first page visitors will see. What do you want to tell them?

The best practice among churches is to make the homepage all about how to visit. But remember the concept of “choice paradox”: the more options someone has, the fewer actions they’ll take. So if you want people to take one action, give them one option: learn how to visit your church.

Whatever else you put on your homepage, make sure it includes:

  • service times and locations
  • a section dedicated to any holiday services
  • your church’s mission statement or big idea


6 Web Pages to RefIf you want people to visit your church, make your website homepage all about how, when, and where to find you. Click To Tweet


This page should provide more than just service times and locations. Ask yourself, “What would I want to know if I were new?” Make sure you cover:  

  • childcare information  
  • details about accessibility for the disabled 
  • written directions for the most common routes to your church (not everyone is smart-phone savvy)
  • an option to have directions sent via text message
  • what to expect, such as how people dress, how long services are, and other info that might make a visitor feel more comfortable

PRO TIP: Ask someone who doesn’t attend your church to review this page and offer feedback.

Abolish website blunders: 5 Mistakes Church Websites Make That StoryBrand Helps Solve


People will look to see if you have ministries that match their needs and passions. Mention all your ministries, down to support groups and affiliations (like Celebrate Recovery or Mothers

of Preschoolers). Include things like:  

  • when each ministry meets  
  • photos of ministries in action  
  • a calendar or list of past and future events
  • contact info for each ministry

Pro tip: Just give short summaries on this page. Insert “read more” links to point people to the extended explanations.

Make sure potential visitors are encouraged to visit your church by refreshing your ‘about us’ page.
About Us Word on blue computer Keyboard Key, alluding to important web pages.


Before people come to visit your church, they’ll want to learn more about it. This page should cover things like:

  • mission and values
  • what you believe
  • leadership
  • affiliations (such as denomination)
  • history

Pro tip: Prioritize getting people to give their name and email address, so you can follow up with more information.

Churches should ask non-members to review their website structure and content to determine how effective it is in encouraging people to visit. Click To Tweet


Some churches call this page “Start Here” and include a brief welcome letter from the head pastor or elders. It’s the top of the funnel for someone who wants to get plugged in. Cover things like:

  • signing up to receive emails
  • membership
  • baptism
  • small groups
  • volunteering

Pro tip: Avoid insider language. Instead of using special names like “Ignite,” be descriptive: “First Baptist Youth”, or simply, “Youth Group.”

All about the approach: Church Tech Tip #25: How the Storybrand Approach Improves Your Website


Some people might want to listen to a sermon or two before visiting. The last time I looked for a new church, it was the sermon page and recommended reading list that compelled me to actually visit (and now it’s my church home). Include resources like:

  • sermons
  • podcasts
  • videos
  • photos
  • study guides, resources
  • recommended reading

Pro tip: Choose a sermon that represents your church well and position it prominently on your site.

Need to know what should be on every church website? Check out 5 Critical Things Websites Of Growing Church Include

This article has been adapted from an article originally featured in Ministry Team Magazine.

CTT Staff
CTT Staffhttps://churchtechtoday.com
ChurchTechToday is the #1 church technology website for pastors, communicators, and leaders. With the goal to provide insight into a variety of topics including social media, websites, worship, media, mobile, and software, ChurchTechToday aims to shed light on how church technology can empower and position churches for impact and growth.


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