HomeDigital MinistryKidMin3 Reasons Why Video Child Safety Training is Critical to Your Ministry

3 Reasons Why Video Child Safety Training is Critical to Your Ministry


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It's simple, really. Keeping kids safe should be the number one priority of churches next to their spiritual formation. That's why Steve and Kelly Durie founded Safeguard From Abuse: to go beyond the need of the background check (they also run SecureSearch, a company that provides background checks) and provide real-world training about child abuse.

Because this is such an important topic (I have four kids myself), I wanted to take the time to share with you why protecting kids begins with education. Safeguard From Abuse is a wonderful, simple, inexpensive way for your church to educate childcare volunteers, here are three reasons why:

1) Safety Training Heightens Awareness

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It's important that everyone on your church or school campus is trained on all aspects of child abuse because it raises overall awareness. When volunteers and childcare workers go though online video training, they begin to notice the grooming and behavior characteristics of predators. Heightening awareness is one of the only ways we can prevent abuse.

2) Safety Training Increases Responsibility

Because nonprofit educational and religious institutions tend to function as a unified body with a shared vision and purpose, going through safety training as a group helps foster a  sense of  increased responsibility. If we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus, we can't be blind to obvious issues of responsibility to protect the children we serve.

3) Safety Training Enhances Community

When everyone that works with children in a church or school environment is trained to notice safety concerns as it relates to child abuse, a greater sense of community is often experienced. Additionally, Safeguard From Abuse provides training regarding usage of social media and online predatory practices that can also help the community at large keep a watchful eye on children both online and offline.

Safeguard From Abuse child safety training was created because the founders believe in community and take the call to serve seriously. They firmly believe it's everybody's responsibility to be trained and to report when there's a concern.

Video training is available online so that volunteers and staff can get trained on- site or online, facilitated by church staff. The online training video is one hour and fifteen minutes long with a 20 question test trainees must pass to print out a diploma on completion of the course.

Church facilitators can invite people via email to watch the video and complete the training online, or DVDs can be ordered for large group settings. Filmed in documentary style, the video content is engaging to viewers.

Pricing ranges from $5-10 per user and is based on the number of seats of video viewers and won't expire until you use them. Licensed based on number of seats of video viewers, won't expire until you use them. Additionally, there is optional basic first aid training through a  first aid video.

The child safety training includes a downloadable fill in the blank workbook for volunteers to print out and keep. Training also provides appropriate affection guidelines and important phone numbers to call in the event of a concern.

A combination of both Safeguard From Abuse training and SecureSearch background check solutions can help keep children safe in multiple environments to provide consistent and cohesive care for kids.

[Note: SecureSearch and Safeguard From Abuse are valued CTT site sponsors.]

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Lauren Hunter
Lauren Hunterhttps://laurenhunter.net
Lauren Hunter is a writer who loves the big picture of God’s journey we are all on together. In 2007, she founded ChurchTechToday, a website for pastors and church leaders to harness technology to improve ministry. Married to her high school sweetheart, Lauren lives in Northern California with her husband and their four children. Her latest book is Leaving Christian Science: 10 Stories of New Faith in Jesus Christ. She can be found online at https://laurenhunter.net.


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