Sean Dunster

Sean is the Webcast Operations Manager for ChurchStreaming, overseeing the sales and support interaction and satisfaction of all clients. He has an extensive background in television broadcast production and news journalism. Church technology is near and dear to him because he's been where many of you are, a volunteer in his local church, using his gifts to further God's Kingdom.

How to be Missional With Your Church Live Stream

As a church, you are constantly looking for ways to make an impact in your community. How do you reach people with the good news of the Gospel? Are there ways that are more strategic than others? What are the ‘out of the box’ ideas that can make us unique? We’ve heard your plea for new ideas and we’ve come up with one stellar way to help your church “go and make disciples of all nations.” What is this brilliant idea? Creating a missional church live stream.

How to Live Stream Your VBS Lessons

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is one of the largest outreach events at your church. Kids from the community flock to your open doors and parents are excited to have faith-based fun draw their children away from video games. This year, if you want to take your outreach event a step further, consider doing a live stream of your VBS program.

5 Myths About Small Church Live Streaming

In the church tech world, live streaming is still relatively new and many churches are on the fence about it. In this article, we’ll walk you through five myths about church live streaming so you can decide if it’s right for your church.

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