

Learn About AI for Churches

Digital Discipleship With Your Church App

With the recent events requiring us to worship from home in many places around the world, church apps are proving themselves highly valuable. Whether you have a church app, or you're looking to get one, how do you encourage digital discipleship through the platform?

8 Most Affordable Church App Providers

Have you thought about using a dedicated church app to share sermon audio, video, and notes, to accept event sign-ups and offer a way for people to give digitally right from their pockets? Church leaders shouldn't overpay for a church app. For that reason, we're ranking this list of church app providers by affordability.

Pastor's Mobile Office

Do you work away from home or the church office? If so, I'd like to offer several suggestions for a pastor's mobile office toolbox that includes hardware, software, and apps to make working away from the office easier.

8 Top Church App Providers

Churches use many apps for presenting media, tracking membership, helping with budgets, and even updating their websites. Some churches also offer a church app primarily for people who attend their church. They contract with a church app provider to make an app that is branded for their church and focused on the needs of people in the pews.
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List of AI Tools For Churches and Pastors