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online giving

Pushpay Acquisition by Tech Investors Marks New Era

Pushpay, a leading provider of church giving solutions, recently announced a significant development for its future trajectory. The New Zealand-based company has been acquired by BGH Capital and Sixth Street, two established investors in the tech industry, marking the start of a new chapter in Pushpay's journey.

Church Tech Tip #34: 5 Ways to Help Your Church Members Plan for Increased Giving

Are your church members excited about your next venture and willing to give more financial support to the ministry? Many givers have the desire and capacity to give more, they just need the resources and know-how to make it a reality.

Church Tech Tip #30: 10 Useful End-of-Year Giving Campaign Tips

The holiday season is here, and with it, lots of opportunities for giving. Church attendees are ready and willing to support a campaign, but it's up to the leaders to communicate clearly and inspire participation. ​

Church Tech Tip #29: 8 Effective Digital Giving Practices For Your Church

Your church attendees are no strangers to online shopping, payments and donating. Make their online giving experience as seamless as one-click Amazon purchases.

7 Benefits Of Church Giving Kiosks

Installing a church giving kiosk can be a great way for churches to streamline their giving process overall. By having a central kiosk where people can give, it makes it easy and convenient for everyone involved. There are many conveniences to using a church giving kiosk — keep reading for our round-up of the best benefits.

8 Digital Giving Stats You Need to Know

Without a good grasp on how our people use digital giving options, churches can very easily misplace their time and resources on methods that aren’t as effective as others. Here’s a list of digital giving stats to help.