Taylor Doe

Taylor Doe is the co-founder of Notebird, a pastoral care tool that empowers church leaders and their teams to care for their people more effectively. Taylor has been actively helping churches of all sizes streamline their pastoral care processes, giving care teams more time to do the work they love.

Congregational Care During Covid-19

Faced with a global pandemic, churches around the world are adapting. The response has been incredible as churches have met fear and crisis with innovation and connection. In the midst of the first lockdowns, churches ranging from solo pastors to multi-campus congregations with thousands of members picked up the phone and worked through their rosters from top to bottom. Leadership and volunteers reached out via phone, text, and video to make sure needs were being met. Some referred to these as “COVID Calls,” others, “Wellness Check-Ins.” Social distancing has created challenges in care, and the way forward is not always clear. Pastoral care is changing and is more complex than ever before.

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