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Small Group Management

9 Ways To Use Video Conferencing to Strengthen Teams and Deepen Engagement

Video conferencing for your entire church is not the same thing as several dozen small conversations happening in your fellowship room. Breaking up the experience into self-organizing groups creates room for deeper, more engaging connections and strengthens teams.

Don't Put the Brakes on Summer Groups

It’s tempting to waive the white flag, to throw your hands up in surrender, to the summer slump. Many churches simply resign their efforts and re-appropriate them in the fall. First on the chopping block of suspended ministries are groups. It’s almost expected that groups will take a break during the summer months. But, doing so can have costly consequences if you aren’t prepared. Much of the work that was put into groups, building relationships, and developing community is lost during the break.

3 Things to Remember When Planning Your Fall Programs

After a summer sprint packed with mission trips, VBS, and camp outings, another busy school year will soon begin with its marathon programs. Now is the perfect time to reflect on last year’s programs and honestly evaluate how you can make things even better this coming year.

3 Technology Tools to Strengthen Your Small Groups

I've been a small group participant or leader since I first gave my life to Christ nearly 12 years ago. It's second nature to me to cling to others to unpack the Bible and to grow in my faith. That said, as technologies have changed, so have methods to communicate with and stay connected to people in your Bible study groups with whom you share life.