

How a Basic Style Guide Will Radically Unify Your Church's Message

So how do you keep your church’s identity and message cohesive? How can you ensure an attendee spots your Instagram post among the dozens of others during a lunchtime scroll? The answer is a style guide—a visual toolkit that helps an organization speak in a unified voice. Keep reading and discover ways to use a style guide to unify your church’s message and build trust with your visitors and attendees.

4 Areas of Focus to Visualize Church Tech's Next Decade

We are less than five years from the next decade and everything that could be posed for technology's influence on the 2020s is fair game to be pitched. From driver-less automobiles, to Artificial Intelligence (AI) as school teachers, we tend to dream a lot bigger than what actually happens - while also underestimating what impacts smaller ripples might incur (this is similar to a Bill Gates quote).

5 Innovative Ways Churches are Using Text Messaging

Text messaging (SMS) is fast becoming one of the most-used communication methods, especially among young people. Churches are starting to use text messaging for...