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7 Ways To Use Text Messaging For Discipleship

RESOURCE DOWNLOAD: Text Message Template Library (22 pages) In an era where technology intersects with every aspect of life, churches have a profound opportunity to...

Top 5 Integrations with Planning Center

These Planning Center integrations will help you automate processes and minimize administrative burden. And they do so in a user-friendly manner, making it more likely that the people currently in your congregation and future visitors will become engaged and stay involved. 

7 Easy Youth Ministry Text Messaging Tips for Building Stronger Connections

"Go where students are" is one of the key phrases student ministers hear when they begin doing youth ministry. The idea is, if you want to reach students for Christ, you need to go where they are. If you want to connect with kids today, find a way to communicate via smartphone. Here are some tips.

3 Vital Mistakes To Avoid As You Learn To Pastor Online

The skills needed to pastor an online church are different than those in typical pastoring in the 21st century. For one thing, it's more about PASTORING and less about ONLINE. Hindsight is 20/20, right? Let my mistakes be a lesson to you as you learn how to lead an online ministry.

5 Clever Church Newsletter Alternatives To Use In 2021

Are you still publishing a church newsletter? Or has it become too labor-intensive and expensive? In this article, we'll cover some clever church newsletter alternatives that you'll be able to start using as soon as today.

4 Areas of Focus to Visualize Church Tech's Next Decade

We are less than five years from the next decade and everything that could be posed for technology's influence on the 2020s is fair game to be pitched. From driver-less automobiles, to Artificial Intelligence (AI) as school teachers, we tend to dream a lot bigger than what actually happens - while also underestimating what impacts smaller ripples might incur (this is similar to a Bill Gates quote).